Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation
Culture, Country, Community

Continuing culture, caring for country, empowering community.
Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation is an established organisation committed to supporting and empowering our community.
With a strong focus on community education and continuing our culture, the corporation is focused on instilling in our our youth a positive sense of culture and identity.
Through targeted initiatives, programs and partnerships, Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation aims to build community capacity, develop opportunities, and improve socio-economic and overall wellbeing.
caring for Country & Cultural heritage.
Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation proudly serves as the dedicated caretakers of Tiagarra, a site of deep cultural significance, and a valued cultural heritage site.
With utmost respect and reverence we, work to ensure the preservation, protection, and understanding of these significant cultural places for all to experience to embrace and appreciate.

Tiagarra is a revered Aboriginal site of profound cultural significance, showcasing ancient rock art and serving as a window into the rich history and spirituality of the First peoples of Tasmania.

Panatana Milathina
Panatana Milaythina a cherished natural heritage reserve, teeming with diverse flora and fauna. It offers a serene sanctuary for Aboriginal connection, ecological preservation, and immersive cultural experiences.
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We acknowledge with deep respect the palawa people – original owners and cultural custodians – of lutruwita/Tasmania, upon whose Country we are based.
Copyright © 2021 – Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation